In this article, we will show you how to generate report from Excel to chart-report


The Goal: We want to upload the Excel and display it in Pie Chart format which can be viewed on Intranet.

LetLet's start!

LetLet’s say, you have an Excel with following data:

We upload the Excel into the system and create the “Data Source”. 

We start creating the ad-hoc report, by selecting the Data-Source we just added:

Once created, the system will retrieve the data inside the Excel and populate it into the table:


We can group some data, by drag-and-drop the field to the Group Panel.

Now the table is grouped by Country:

We can also do multiple grouping. Let’s say, the second group will be the Item:

To make it easier to view, we can change the background color of the groups. Let’s take a look:

To create the chart, we need to prepare some Chart data, specially whether you want to display the sum of Amount:

Once it’s done, the chart will show: 

We can further configure the Chart information, such as the title and the type of chart. For example, we want it to show as Pie Chart: 

That’s it. It’s a really simple process to generate the report and the chart by your-self, without getting to know technical stuff.


The report and chart can be viewed online as well for others to view. For example; we can display it on the intranet website.